The NBA Immaculate Grid unveiled its newest puzzle on Dec. 20. The basketball trivia game remains a popular pastime for basketball fans even though the NBA season is more than two months old. It has become part of some fans' daily routine along with other basketball grid games such as HoopGrids and Crossover Grid.
On that note, let's look at the 149th NBA Immaculate Grid and find the answers. Wednesday's puzzle has one special category: a player who has been an All-Star at least once in their career. Here's the NBA Immaculate Grid for Dec. 20:
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Dell Curry might be the most popular answer, considering that he's a Hornets legend, playing in Charlotte for 10 seasons. He was the team's all-time leader in points and 3-point shots made when he retired.
Other answers include Muggsy Bogues, Jamaal Magloire, Linton Johnson, Garrett Temple, Micheal Williams and Julyan Stone.
Also Read: NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 19
As the game was established earlier this year, there have always been two kinds of grid players. Some players want to complete the puzzle while others want to have the lowest rarity score possible.
For those who want to get the lowest rarity scores, here are some options for the remaining eight boxes of the 149th NBA Immaculate Grid:
Carmelo Anthony is the most popular choice, since he's a legend for both the Nuggets and Knicks. Other players who played for both teams are Dikembe Mutombo, Marcus Camby, Monty Williams, Anthony Mason, Matt Fish and Greg Grant.
Chauncey Billups, believe it or not, played for the Raptors and Nuggets early in his career. Billups also played in Denver following his stint with the Pistons. Aaron Williams, Jimmy King, Carlos Arroyo and Mengke Bateer also played for both teams.
There have only been 14 players in franchise history to be named an All-Star. They are Dan Issel, Bobby Jones, David Thompson, George McGinnis, Alex English, Kiki Vandeweghe, Calvin Natt, Fat Lever, Dikembe Mutombo, Antonio McDyess, Carmelo Anthony, Allen Iverson, Chauncey Billups and Nikola Jokic.
Also Read: NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 18
There have been 64 players who have played for both the Nets and the Knicks. Some of them are Jason Kidd, Jamal Crawford, Norvel Pelle, Ron Cavenall, Barry Kramer and Earl Clark.
Vince Carter is the best choice, as he's a legend in Toronto and had his best years with the Nets. Other Nets-Raptors players include Luis Scola, Goran Dragic, Damone Brown, Henry Ellenson, Jerome Moiso and Hubert Davis.
The Brooklyn Nets franchise has had 18 All-Stars in history – Buck Williams, Otis Birdsong, Micheal Ray Richardson, Kenny Anderson, Derrick Coleman, Jayson Williams, Stephon Marbury, Jason Kidd, Kenyon Martin, Vince Carter, Devin Harris, Deron Williams, Brook Lopez, Joe Johnson, D'Angelo Russell, Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving and James Harden.
Also Read: NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 17
Kemba Walker is the greatest player in Hornets franchise history, but he last played for the Knicks before he made his move abroad. Tyson Chandler, Ron Grandison, Noah Vonleh, Sidney Green and Dennis Smith Jr. also played for both teams.
The Charlotte Hornets have only had eight All-Stars – Larry Johnson, Alonzo Mourning, Glen Rice, Eddie Jones, Baron Davis, Gerald Wallace, Kemba Walker and Lonzo Ball.
Also Read: NBA Immaculate Grid answers for Dec. 15
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